76 percent of child Internet addiction

Its growing Internet in Indonesia makes parents should be extra vigilant on his son, when was addicted to the internet then the child will get lazy, so it will disturb the concentration of study. If the child has reached the stage of addiction, then the parents must be careful to react, so parents should always monitor children's growth.

Based on research results numbers of children  who are addicted to the Internet reached 76 percent. They are at least open the internet 2-3 hours per day. But the child - the child feels not enough to open the internet for 2-3 hours. Especially at this time the cafe began to open 24 hours, so the children easily access the Internet anytime.
In addition, many also abuse the Internet by children - children, most of them open sites - porn sites more than 2000 sites can be accessed. For parents it serves to provide a good moral message for children, in addition to preventing child porn sites as well open his computer in place in the room that are easily seen to be able to be controlled.


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